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The title acceptance guidelines

Title Formats

  • We use the original title of a movie/show in its original language as it appears on screen in the opening credits.

  • We also associate the year of first public screening with each title as an aid to recognizing and distinguishing similar titles.

  • For TV titles this is the broadcast year of the first episode. For movie titles this year is either the year of general release or of a festival presentation if earlier. (NOTE: Closed screenings for the crew or the media or test screenings of the unfinished product for marketing reasons do not count as public screenings).

  • If two titles have the same title in the same year we add a "/" followed by roman numerals after the year as necessary. 

  • Please note that we do NOT create separate new titles for each season of a TV-show so the year used is the year the show first aired. You may indicate a person's participation in later years of the show by adding them only to the appropriate episodes.

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Capitalization is language dependent. The relevant language is the language of the country origin so be careful with titles in English which are made from non-English words as

 "El Cid or "La Bamba

English, Portuguese, Hebrew, Indian languages: 

All capital letters at the start of words, with a few exceptions:

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